We stood a chance of going far in the compeition having secured a place in the quarter finals. However, bad weather forced the organisers to award the winning trophy to the team with the highest point in the group tables; but we still thank God for His blessings on us in having a great time!
The 2 "die hard" fans who went with the team for two days despite not being able to play
The team photo
Fredrick Ng - The engine room of the team, making endless runs up and down the pitch. "metal lungs"
Kang Wei - The "giant" with a soft heart.
Kang Wei - The "giant" with a soft heart.
Jordan Tan - The only scorer other than Terry! Good vision and reading of the game
Nohnagi - Mr Blur. Touched the ball only twice in the whole tournament
Nohnagi - Mr Blur. Touched the ball only twice in the whole tournament
See... He is blur again. "Hey, where am i????"
TERRY!!! *screams* fans go wild... Our captain fantastic, Player of the tournament! Scored 4 goals for Promisedland.
TERRY!!! *screams* fans go wild... Our captain fantastic, Player of the tournament! Scored 4 goals for Promisedland.
We also thank God for blessing us with a great party organised by the basketball boys on the 13th. Now, its time for the basketball boys to play well in their teen games challenge!